Monday, November 10, 2008

War in a Time of Peace

Veteran's Day has become one of the more meaningful "holidays" to me in recent years. Some of you do not know that one of my roommates, Brian Chen was deployed to Iraq before our senior year at UCI. Dan Pojanamat also left at the same time. I remember making the drive to Camp Pendleton to see them off. The days leading up to their imminent deployment were bittersweet. Brian would be up to his usual antics but as the time arrived, I remember him showing me the ring he was going to give to (now his wife) Rina. The freaking guy proposed to her before going to war. That's Brian for you. Balls out. And now they have a son. Crazy.

Brian and I like tennis. We would hit around a few times and played a church tournament together once. We had one of those sitcom moments after a day of practice. We both laid down on the tennis courts, talking about life, marriage, the war, after the war. -Cue sappy soundtrack-
Fast forward: Well, the friends came back home. We drove to Seal Beach and welcomed Chen and Pojo back the next year. We did not have many conversations about the experience but I did not really ask either. I was just glad to have them back. And for all veterans and those actively serving domestically and abroad, thanks.

Now as I think about the events of last week, it also boomerangs my memory to when I was an intern for Congress. I remember doing briefs on all sorts of up and comers, when Obama had just released "The Audacity of Hope" and was in the Bay Area for his book tour, Gore was on the cusp of his Nobel, and Clinton x2 was the talk of the town. There was a lot of excitement then but it was only just starting to percolate. It is amazing how much has changed and will change. So some have asked how I voted: Yes for Obama and No on Prop. 8. I also wanted BART extended dannnngit just give it to me!!! -end rant- I can elaborate some more later on.

This one's for the good guys. As they say, support our troops.