Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I'm giving in to the Facebook epidemic.

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

  1. I have a thing for ponytails and head/hair bands. So excuse me for staring if you rock it.

  2. If I see a baby’s head uncovered when it’s cold out, I become livid...enough to approach the parent/guardian and say “please cover said baby’s head.”

  3. Like Bonnie, I’ve smelled my flesh burn. In high school, I had to burn off two warts on the side and bottom of my right foot as a result of improper care during the tennis season. The local anesthetic injected into my foot made it look like a balloon. Then they torched it and sliced off that -ish. Lovely.

  4. During a trip to the snow my frosh year of high school, I attempted to sled down this embankment but I quickly lost control, flipped forward and skid face-first down the slope. I
    ripped off the flesh on the right side of my face.

  5. The first girl I ever met in life is also the last girl I have danced with.

  6. My grandma used to be one of the most active seniors I’ve known; we would go in the yard and play H.O.R.S.E., football and baseball. All while she yelled Cantonese obscenities at me.

  7. Levar Burton’s (Star Trek’s Geordi and Reading Rainbow) son was my basketball coach. He crazee.

  8. I used to play a lot...like a lot of club basketball like AAU...and I’m fairly certain that I played against Gilbert Arenas.

  9. When I met Omar Vizquel (former San Francisco Giants shortstop), I was so star-struck the only thing I managed to say was, “great season, Omar.” It so happened he was on the injured list at the moment and was having one of the worst statistical years of his career. Way to go.

  10. I’ve had two dreams when it came to sports: to be a professional baseball player or be the first Chinese NBA player. I got beaned in the head by a baseball (resulting in concussion) so my mom never let me play organized baseball again. And the second dream was...well you know.

  11. I rarely cry, but my moments of weakness occur when watching sports. I remember the last time I really broke down was when Michael Chang retired from tennis.

  12. Friends are always surprised to learn that I’m often older than them. I was held back in pre-school, OKKKKK? And then later on they say, I’m not surprised, you act older. -__-

  13. The first instrument I learned was the piano. FAIL. Second was Clarinet. FAIL. Third was drums. FTW?

  14. The first house I lived in had birch trees in the front yard. I wondered why they looked so different from the rest, so I would tell people they were just naked.

  15. I want: two dogs; black and brown labs. Their names: Ooga and Booga.

  16. When I used to baby-sit the little ones at church, I would sit next to them and smell their heads. Baby smells are lovely (when clean, of course). Needless to say, some of the other caretakers must have thought strange things about me.

  17. I baby-sat Mike Sweeney’s (baseball player) kid once. Real cool guy. Ever since then, I have been a Kansas City Royals and Oakland A’s fan.

  18. The trip I would like to make someday includes a journey to all of the baseball parks in the country in a season.

  19. I love the Spanish-speaking world. That’s why my friends wonder “por que no tiene novia?” Believe me, I have tried.

  20. I’ve been to the World Series (2002 Giants v. Angels).

  21. I’ve held a signed copy of The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama. I delivered it to one of the (then) Senator’s supporters when he was on his book tour in the Bay Area Fall 2006. Can I say I called it? I knew he was going to make it.

  22. I used to beat my frosh roommate with a wooden stick. For no reason. So nice, huh? But I must say, you were the best roommate I’ve ever had, David Phung.

  23. I used to have this blue mole near my left triceps. I would tell people that I stuck a blue ball-point tip there and it left that mark. Then I had it removed and now I tell people that the scar that remains is my “fob mark.”

  24. The happiest I’ve ever been was when I traveled through Europe. Ask me about it.

  25. The most content I’ve ever been was my missions trip to Thailand. Ask me about it.