Sunday, December 14, 2008

Of Friends, Parte Cuatro

In honor of her recent birthday, this one goes out to Joyce So. I have known her since my junior year of college but I feel it has been much longer than that. I did not immediately get to know her, I just knew she was with my best friend Steve. As I noticed the subtle changes in Steve's demeanor over the next few months, I knew Joyce had much to do with it. It made me happy, and I made it a goal of mine to make sure she would keep that influence going.

I remember the fun memories from our study-abroad program at Cambridge, including late night McDonald's runs for ice cream, watching episodes of LOST in the room, laughing at her doze off in our History of British/American Espionage, punting on the Cam, trying to lock her in my room in Scotland that I thought was ghost-inhabited, mocking and then marveling at her ingenuity when she brought instant rice, seaweed and a pot (yes, a pot) in her bag, and running into drunkards which seemed like every other day. Ah...memories.

Joyce is essentially the sister that I have always wanted in my mind's eye. She's playful yet thoughtful and most importantly, she listens to me. HA! I kid, I kid (sort of). It is rare to develop that sort of relationship with a friend and she is again among the few that have given much to me. Over the last years I have remembered how lucky I am to to have a person of genuine character really affect others around her in such a meaningful way. I'm thankful for your generosity of spirit and for accepting me without reservation.

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